Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Without a doubt, things have changed

The market character is changing, the dips that are bought are beginning to fail. This reminds me of November 07 when the market topped out. I think the macro problems known to market participants are finally trumping QE to infinity.

The problems in North Africa are not going to go away so quickly. These people have been stifled for far too long, in some cases, hundreds of years of knowing their place so to speak, now are revolting. The class system in these nations is finally under attack. I think its hard for people who grow up in the US to understand what exactly is happening overseas. These are the common people finally speaking up. They have always been denied this right. The right all Americans have and sometimes take for granted. In anycase i think if something took so long to get started its not going to go away unless they snuff it out like in past times, but I don't see this happening, not now, This is HUGE! What is bizarre though, the dollar is down again, in times of turmoil, do people buy the dollar, nope, not now, they are buying gold and silver!!

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