How to stay the course : Silver Check List

If you have ever watched bull riding you will see that the bulls job is to knock the rider off. I for one, no nothing about bull riding (I grew up in NYC) but I love that analogy as it pertains to riding a bull market. Even in a long term bull market there will be events that shake you off. Here is a list one can quickly review so as to not get shaken out (by fear).

1. QE on going, Y or N? If Yes stay the course.
2. US Govt. reigning in spending Y or N, If NO, stay the course.
3. Real Unemployment (Dept. of Labor Stats) improving Y or N, if no stay the course.
4. Wars continuing Y or N, if yes stay the course.
5. Dollar still going down, if YES, stay the course.
6. Gold Silver Ratio > 16:1, stay the course.
7. If you can't buy a median priced single family home in the US with 500oz of Silver, stay the course.
8. If the price of an oz of gold is < price of the DOW, stay the course.

For more on how to stay the course in Silver: Watch this Mike Maloney video .