Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thank Mr. Obama for Nothing

I hope Obama is having a nice time in Rio, sipping champagne, shopping and frolicking with the Mrs. on the beaches. Spending more money we don't have for hotels, security, hoards of staff to kiss his ass, and polish his shoes etc. Its a joke. He just needs his own talk show, like Oprah or Montel, could you not see that. I bet you thats what he ends up doing after he loses the next election. Oh and lets go fight in Libya now, What? What in the world are we doing there, did Gadaffi attack the US? Folks we are broke, worse than broke, not to mention losing more american lives out in some desert. I know Congress is angry right now, but not for all the right reasons!  

How is this the change we can believe in. How is he any different than curious George. I made a big mistake in voting for this guy.  

Housing is a mess, jobs a mess, healthcare a mess, inflation run a mock, most ever food stamp use and rising, a military spread too thin. What has he done thats any different. NOTHING. 

  • 1. Sent troops to Afghanistan but pulled troops out of Iraq (What planet? He has nt pulled out of Iraq!) we are now at 115,000 troops as of 2/11/2010! Zero actual draw down.
  • 2. Made a more transparent form of Government (almost daily daily Facebook Q&A's with his staff) Has had more closed door meetings then any previous administration. Even his open door committee only has closed door meetings!
  • 3. Tried several times to get the Republicans to join him and get bi-partisanship on the destruction of democracy. Republicans did not wish to contribute!
  • 4. Passed a stimulus package that is creating no jobs across the country. This bill has given more to the rich then every previous President combined!
  • 5. Well on his way to passing the HC bill which will ration health care to most Americans and help less then 12 million. The cost will destroy our children's and grand children's future.
  • 6. Managed to have the two worst months for deficit spending ever. (The two Februarys he has been President)

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