Wednesday, March 23, 2011


SLV 18.2% gain, GLD 0.79%, Both GDX and GDXJ down 4.5%, SIL down 1%. The reason I am closing these positions is that from what I have been researching GLD and SLV lead me to believe the are practicing fraudulently and at some point there will be an SEC investigation into their vaults to see if they are holding silver or gold respectively and if the amount matches the current price of the trust and at that time we might get a nasty surprise like say Enron or World Con, so I don't want to be stuck holding the bag.

As for the miners I am reading that their costs are sky high and even though the price of the metals is appreciating their profits are not, read the latest quarterly report from NEM. So I'm out of the miners.

Going to focus on TBT, Oil(USO XLE), Uranium miners, Japan, Ag, AGQ(correspond to twice (200%) the daily performance of silver bullion as measured by the U.S. Dollar fixing price for delivery in London. The fund invests in any one of or combinations of the financial instruments (swap agreement, futures contracts, forward contracts, option contracts) as well as unique oppurtunities as they arise.

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