Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bonds Dollar TBT EUR

Since 10/29/10 TLT (Long bond is down 8%)

up 13.4 % since 10/29/10

up 2.8% since 1/29/10

The only reason the dollar has held up is because of all the problems Europe is having, as those issues improve the US debt will continue to grow,, you read what Bernake is telling people about the economy, and his fear of deflation and his knowledge of the depression and he will QE to infinity if needed. I don't think Europe will follow the US further into the debt abyss over the next 3-5 years. Some of the states are much bigger than countries in Europe, and they are unable to print money like countries do. Newt Gingrich is on the record as saying which should let states go bankrupt, and what will happen to state jobs, police, sanitation, fire fighters other municipal services and pensions etc. 

down 5%

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