Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Problem & The Solution: Part 1 of Rant

What needs to happen is we should say F-OFF to the banks and let them all go under. They caused this problem let them suffer, why should the average person suffer while they pay each other millions in xmas bonuses after they get bailout money. That should happen but IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, why? because politicians don't have the balls cause they get their campaign money from wall street and a lot of them are former wall streeters or fund managers. So wishful thinking but you would hope that these guys (in washington) would lear that you just can't throw money at this problem they have tied and tried TARP, QE1 and QE2 IT DOES NOT WORK, PERIOD! Cut the cancer out, its the only way to a cure.

Before you fix a problem you need to know what it is that is causing the problem, you can't treat symptoms (throw money at it), at least that's what I learned in med school. So you take the analogy of say a person has a cough, you can't just give a person cough drops or syrup and solve their problem if say the cough is caused by Pneumonia or Cancer, right? At this time the politicians do not understand the cause of this crisis and they just want to give the economy syrup and expect us to get better.

I think these guys all need to go for a three day seminar and learn what the f#$k the problem is. The problem is derivatives (like aggressive cancer cells), derivatives just need just go away, and just like they print all this money  (magic), if they just POOF made them go away (write them off), the world will not end. All this bullshit about creating more debt to service current debt, austerity measures, create inflation and make the ordinary citizen the hard working saver bear the brunt of the measures while the rich keep getting richer.

The banks created all this debt, in cahoots with Wall Street in the absence of regulation or supervision (where were our elected officials, where was the SEC) greedy banksters encouraged the proliferation of debt at all levels of society - personal, corporate and state in order to maximise their control and power and in order to drain every last penny from the honest hard working people of not only this country but in the world. The problem is that they got too greedy, salaries and bonuses for investment houses have gone up astronomically in the 90's to now no other profession has risen to the heights of wall steeters and no one has created more loss to society (in recent history) than the banksters, they are worse than the drug cartels. The government wants to create more jobs, here is an idea why don't they create the FBBI or BEA (Federal Bureau of Bankster Investigation or Bankster Enforcement Agency).

be back later with part 2.

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