Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fraudulent Practices In Precious Metals-Harvey Organ

I wrote to the CFTC voicing my concerns over many matters.  I am open to your comments   You will notice that I sent it to only 4 commissioners. I left out Bart Chilton. From:

Subject: Position limits and elimination of exemptions. Date: 1/20/2011 9:40:56 P.M.
I am rather disappointed that you have allowed the major banking short interests to continue with their fraudulent and manipulative practices in the precious metals. You have allowed another 60 days of massive shorting by the bankers to allow for yet another public input. The public for the past 2 1/2 years have bombarded you with millions of emails with the hope that you will see the light and put position limits on silver and eliminate the phony exemptions. Mr O'Malia was the lone dissenter on your latest vote voicing his concern that the swap books on JPMorgan once opened would be a shock and that the CFTC would not know how to handle the situation. It has been my contention all along that the major short, is in reality the Chinese government who lent their hoard of silver in support of the suppression of gold. It would be difficult to suppress gold while allowing silver to advance in price. The gold was supplied by central authorities. The USA ran out of silver in 2003 and in order to receive most favoured nation status, the Chinese have done a swap with the USA with a date certain to re-swap. It is quite conceivable that the Chinese have asked for their silver back but were refused as global supplies for silver are vanishing.
Yesterday, the USA Mint announced a record 4.6 million oz of silver eagles sold in the first 3 week period of January which is a record. The USA produces 40 million oz from their mines so for the first time, the USA must import silver from the rest of the world to satisfy the mint's requirements.
The comex is witnessing massive movements of silver into and out of registered vaults signifying turmoil as this silver is putting out fires in other jurisdictions. In gold we are witnessing the opposite. How on earth is gold being settled?
What is even more troubling to me is this:
How could you even discuss position limits and the elimination of exemptions without first telling us what happened in July 2008 which caused you to bring in the enforcement division of the CFTC? Mr Chilton has decided to act unilaterally in proclaiming one trader, JPMorgan, with fraud, and from his statement to the press, major class action law suits have been initiated and filed.
It is frustrating to many of us who witness time and time again massive un-backed paper driving the commodity price of silver and gold down like today. I guess the CFTC's motto that the futures market is a price discovery mechanism is out the window. Mr Dunn has stated that he needs more manpower to try and catch manipulation. Yet when a whistle blower is presented to you and this person describes in detail the accounting of how the crime has been committed in the past and how it will happen in the future and yet you refuse to listen to this gentleman.
Mr Sprott of Sprott Asset Management is having a tough time trying to find any physical silver for his silver fund and yet the bankers massive sell huge amounts of paper silver. The SLV also has liquidated massive amounts of "paper silver". The real stuff is difficult to find in quantity.
Sooner or later, this fraud will end and I guess there is going to be a lot of explaining to do.
I urge you to do the right thing and order JPMorgan and friends to stop this massive fraud and manipulation immediately.
Harvey Organ.

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