Monday, November 29, 2010

Current Positions: Technical Review

The dollar has been exceptionally strong due to problems in Europe, its break and the holding of the 200wkma has to be respected. This has been a powerful move to say the least. I don't expect gains in my commodity stocks until this reverses no position in Dollar but it effects everything I hold.

Closing position if we close below the trendline

Looking like a double top here going to sell half on a close below 20dma, and rest below the major support line.

I am weary of the dollar strength so I don't want to give up big gains, selling half  below 38 and rest below 36 support

Holding on to this one I got in on the GS call when it fell ten percent. Nice gain, sell stop 26.5

Uranium miners on fire since late September had a nice pull back, now on next leg up. Up almost 100% on URZ.

add on pullback to 5.25 to 5.50 range

add on pull back to trendline.

Holding 200wk ma support, oversold in terms of slow stochastics, resistance 200dma, may rally back to 150dma before next leg down, Long TBT which is the inverse of TLT, add TBT on any TLT strength close to 150dma

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